Free Birthday Themed Activity Pages For Classroom and Homeschool Birthday Celebrations


  1. Preschool and Kindergarten teachers would often have activities ready whenever a student celebrates their birthday in class. I love the sensory activities like play dough (think cupcake decoration), kinetic sand (think cake cutting) and goop (like icing). Homeschoolers do the same thing too. But there are kids who prefer the crayons, markers and paper, so I'm sharing a few of my go-to activities, (that are not sensory), and printables for celebrating birthdays.

FREE Printables:

Candles on the cake: Trace, count draw and color. Use depending on the age of the celebrant.

Visual discrimination: Pattern recognition, I Spy, mazes and matching.

  1. Fine Motor, vocabulary and eye-hand coordination

Download the pdf file here:

  1. Here's more great ideas for your classroom or homeschool birthday celebration:

  2. Musical Chairs: Arrange chairs in a circle, one less than the number of children. Play music and have kids walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they have to find a chair to sit in. Remove one chair after each round. The child left standing when the music stops is out. Continue until one child remains.

  1. Pass the Parcel: Wrap a small prize in layers of wrapping paper. Sit the kids in a circle and play music. When the music stops, the child holding the parcel removes one layer of wrapping. Continue until the prize is revealed.

  2. Simon Says: One child is designated as "Simon" and gives commands prefaced with "Simon says," like "Simon says touch your toes." The other kids must only follow commands that start with "Simon says." If Simon says a command without the phrase, those who follow are out.

  3. Duck, Duck, Goose: Children sit in a circle, and one child walks around tapping others' heads, saying "duck" each time. When they tap someone and say "goose," that child must chase them around the circle. If the first child sits in the empty spot before getting tagged, the "goose" becomes the next tapper.

  4. Bean Bag Toss: Set up targets on the floor with different point values. Kids take turns tossing bean bags onto the targets. You can make it more challenging by having them stand farther away or giving smaller targets higher point values.

  5. Pin the Tail on the Donkey: Hang up a picture of a donkey without its tail. Blindfold each child in turn, spin them around gently, and have them try to stick a paper tail in the right spot on the donkey. The child closest to the correct spot wins.

I hope this resource will help you create wonderful memories for your children.


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