Children's Book Mini Lesson : Elmer by David McKee


Book: Elmer by David Mckee

After you and your child have read the book, go over it once more and ask your little one to re-tell some of the events that happened in the story. Allow him/ her to express in his/her own words rather than asking closed ended questions. If you can hold your child's attention a little bit longer, you may ask open ended questions like, "What's your favorite part of the story?" and maybe, "Why/"

Continue talking about the story for as long as your child is interested.


Paper Patchwork Elmer

Download the FREE printable template here.

Pre cut 2cm colored paper squares. They need not be perfect. You may ask the help of your child by giving him/ her a 2cm x 6cm strip of colored paper and let him/ her snip with your guidance. If you have older kids, they may also help in cutting. You may also let the little one tear the paper. Just make little tears on the strip so its easier for your child to handle. Have your child glue the pieces of paper onto the Elmer template.

If you have older children, they can use the blank elephant template to decorate one of the elephants in Elmer's herd for the parade on Elmer's day.


You may find music to sing and dance to on my Spotify playlist All About Elephants

Movement Suggestions:

    - Use one arm as a trunk

    - Walk like an elephant

    - Tiptoe like an elephant


Read a poem about elephants. You may find some here. 

You can choose a couple of poems and write them down on a piece of paper to read and re-read with your little one. Older children in the family can read too!


Paint a small toy animal all over in gray using tempera or poster paint. Let dry for a while. Then, sprinkle water onto it to 'wash away' the paint.

Add soap and bubbles to a basin and give the toy elephant or any other toy animal a bath using an old toothbrush or a sponge. 

I hope you enjoy this mini lesson . Tell me about it if you have done it, will you? I am curious to know how it goes with older children in the mix.

Find more FREE Printables here


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