Daily Routine Cards for Children in the Early Years
This has been (and still is) one of my best Mom Sanity Savers so far! And not because the husband and I want to teach our son certain life skills, we are both into that too; but because creating a daily routine - I prefer to call it rhythm of the home, saves us a lot of time and effort.
We started doing routine cards last year when Teo was turned 5. Noli and I figured that since he was really trying to do things on his own, we would give it a little structure and boundaries - for the Nanay - so I won't hover too much!
Before we made the routine cards, we asked Teo is if he was willing to follow. Of course we explained (in detail) the consequences and benefits of following and not following the routines.
A year or so after the Routine cards were implemented, I can truly say our days were mostly smooth and easy. Teo has learned new habits along the way. And what I mean by learned is that he also developed some unpleasant habits along the way. Thus our revision and refining of some of the routines. Like When using the toilet, I had to add, and both agreed to be careful not to sprinkle wee outside the toilet bowl.
But it seems that the revisions have been unheeded. So I have been reflecting lately, and have been praying for wisdom on how to go about improving this strategy. I figured that it now looks so juvenile for my 6 year old and he may be 'slacking off' because there is not enough weight for these tasks to become a responsibility.
So I now have made it like a checklist. There is a neat DIY 'chore chart' that you can make yourself on the DLTK website (Link below). I made these routines into a checklist type of chart and will give Teo the responsibility of making sure he accomplishes his tasks and does it well.
So if you have very young children, you can download the editable Routine Card template here and adjust the tasks and routines according to the rhythm of your day.
Update: I made another printable so you can move around the routines to fit your family's schedule. You can also find it in the FREE Printables Page.
If you have older children who can self monitor, you man go here Chart from DLTK to make your own charts.One last note, We don't use these as reward charts. We don't give rewards. We believe that a job well done is accomplishment itself. We do give ourselves a treat once in a while, like ice cream or extra family movie time. And we make sure we share this treat together as a family.
Click here to go to my FREE PRINTABLES Page. Scroll down to the last part and there you will find both the version 1 and 2 Routine Cards printable.
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