I Love You, No Matter What

I just want to share my conviction about loving children unconditionally....
This may be the answer to my colleagues' questions...

Who do the children love you so much?

The answer is simple.

I love children. 
Because its fun to be among them and their antics amuse me.

But, I also 'love' them.
I love them when they're crying, 
I love them when they don't cooperate, 
I love them when they hit or bite their friends. 
I  love them when they scream and whine or run around aimlessly. 
I love them unconditionally.
 Not because they made their artwork neat and pretty.
 Not because they just sit at look at me all day. And, not because they give me gifts.
I love them unconditionally.
Just because they are.
No matter what.....

And I tell them I love them.
I show them I love them.

They know.
Children know if you truly love them or not.
They just know.

We sing this song at Circle Time

And the children love it. We made our own actions.
I make sure I sing it sincerely with them.

Maybe its the years of praying and reflection on how to do this task
(of loving children),
God has put upon my shoulders.
I honestly pray to God to give me the grace to love the children he entrusts to me.
That I may love them the way He loves me.
Or at least I'm trying to.


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